Illustrated Cover of Britain's Birds by Jo Woolf. The central typography is surrounded by branches filled with pink blossoms and vibrant green leaves. On the top branch an inquisitive goldfinch peers down. On the bottom branch sits a bright robin.

Illustrated Cover of Britain’s Birds by Jo Woolf. The front cover features a goldfinch and a robin, two of Britain’s most loved birds.


Britain’s Birds

Once in a while you get a dream project that fills your workday with such joy, for me this was that project! As anyone who knows me will attest to, I love birds and when National Trust asked me to work on the illustrations to this book I couldn’t be more thrilled.

The author Jo Woolf has written delightful chapters sharing quotes, facts and folklore about each of the birds featured in this book. Her writing makes these feathered friends so endearing to us and I wanted to match this by capturing them in vibrant detail and showing their distinct natures.

The cover shows just a little snippet of what you can expect on the inside illustrations. It was important to show some kind of atmosphere around each bird, whether that’s puffins enjoying their catch on the sea cliffs in the spring breeding season, or voluble rooks cawing across a pale winter sky.


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